Tuesday, September 25, 2012

shampoo + young kids = big mess

My nearly 5 year old has been learning to take care of herself a lot over the last year, and one of the tasks she request to do "all by myself" is shampoo her own hair. After letting her do it and watching to make sure she was doing it right, I decided to allow her to take a shower alone. So of course she does what all 4 year olds do when left alone in the shower, she dumped her shampoo all over the place, wasting a brand new bottle.  After learning her lesson she still has a little trouble figuring out exactly how much shampoo is the right amount, not to mention the shampoo comes out of the bottle way to fast, sometimes even pouring more out than needed when I do it. I decided to find a way to save shampoo from the drain and teach my daughter the appropriate amount to use and the answer came to me when I was washing my hands. As I emptied out the last of my bath and body works sweet cinnamon pumpkin hand soap (leftover from last year) I couldn't help but notice that one squirt is the perfect amount of shampoo. I rinsed the dispenser and filled it with my daughters kid shampoo and told her to use one squirt only. Since integrating this system I have noticed a significant drop in shampoo waste and since pumping the shampoo takes so much time I know that she would not intentionally try to dump it all out. win for everyone.  =)

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